Knight of Wands


Energy, Passion, Inspired Action

  1. Enthusiasm is attractive. Settle yourself in positivity. Let others join at their speed.
  2. How you wish to seem could be your true self trying to come out.
  3. Confidence built on right actions remains embedded in your character.
  4. Maintain your inner voice to hear when it is time to act impeccably.
  5. Avoid impulsive behavior. Confidence rests in knowing yourself, not in deceiving yourself.
  6. Being your best self means being above what brings you down.


Impatience, Carelessness, Delays Frustration

Impatience and reckless behaviour can bring a loss of control. There are times to be cautious. Think thru each step. Are you feeling anger at obstacles? Are you rushing at something? Don't do something regretful. Are you able to control your own situation? Steer clear of the caveats. Let people come to themselves before you interact fully. Do not react instantly to things that happen. Give yourself time to lead. Step into the lightness. Be firm in saying no to things you can't take on. Share with care. This time will soon pass. Declutteer!

  • A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. - Mark Twain
  • Optimism is the faith that leads to acheivement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. - Helen Keller