Ten of Wands


Duty, Responsibility, Obligation

You may be getting weighed down but it is temporary. You are doing extra, giving extra. Rewards will come for this. You can and should give of yourself. A ten represents completion. Stop and examine the load in your life. Examine the way you carry the load. How can love help? Conserve your energy and pace yourself.


Martyr, Resentment, Heaviness

Practice giving with no expectations of getting. Cleanse yourself of unnecessary responsibilities. Detox from people, activities and items not serving you. Bring in responsibilities that provide freedom. Be firm when saying no. "Put on your oxygen mask first." What burdens did you take on that could be let go? Can you delegate? Martyrship is not the way. Declutter. Simplify.

It is not the load that breaks you down. It is the way you carry it. - Lena Horne

Life is never made unbearable by circumstance, but by lack of meaning and purpose. - Frankl

Keep breaking your heart until it opens. - Rumi

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. - Nietschze