Four of Pentacles


Control, Stability, Conservative

  1. Having complete control and being conservative with money is a good thing but don't be miserly. Watch out for pentacle pinching!
  2. Do not attempt to keep forever that which is impermanent.
  3. If you view yourself as your merchandise then a house fire will destroy not only your possessions but your self!
  4. If money is your only hope for independence then you will never have it. Seek knowledge, experience and ability.
  5. If you find yourself doing well, help others more.
  6. Are you able to restore three objects you can't live without within one week's time? Think food-clothing-shelter.


Selfish, Materialistic, Greed

Time gathering wealth (work) must be balanced with time relaxing, exploring and enjoying. Working more to gain material posessions means less time with people and things. How are your work hours? Make every second count when you are working so that more non-work time and balance is available. Use any system you need to maintain focus on your endeavors. Loosen the purse strings and feel a better future unfolding.