Two of Pentacles
Priorities, Balance, Adaptability
Going with the flow may mean following your systems and rituals closer. Life will provide uncertainty. Remain alert, agile and patient while juggling responsibilities. Following rituals and systems can bring relaxation. Pay attention to what works. Then, enjoy the fact that it does! While getting on top of daily affairs is important when pursuing big goals, you don't have to be busy to be getting things done. Every big picture has individual brushstrokes. Do you have a mutually beneficial relationship with the items around you? Why do you need what you need?

Disorganization, Reprioritize
Get your self together! Are you busy being busy or are you organizing your thoughts and actions Are you overcommitted? You are capable of handling things when you apply focused attention. This isn't pretend! Do the work when the work needs done and you will be properly busy. Time spent analyzing is never wasted. When you act on analysis you improve your environment. Your juggling act is likely to fail. You will never find time, you must make time! What can I offer to the world that will bring my earthly reward and soothe my soul?
The wise adapt themselves to circumstances like water to a pitcher.
Nothing is ever final. Nothing is ever really done. Learn to be in a constant state of betterment.
Time is never found. It must be made, at best, planned.
Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.
The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it.
Balance isn't something you find, it's something you create.
Eliminate the unnecessary so the necessary might speak.